Managing your earnings
Don’t spend all your money at once! After a successful rental season, you might be tempted to empty your pockets, but before you do, consider insurance, equipment, transportation, advertising, and the fact that winter is a lot less lucrative for party rental companies than the height of the summer. Budget your earnings wisely, especially if you are just starting out.
BCN website and online booking systems
Why are online booking systems so important?
With our live reservation software, customers can book online and check availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of whether you’re asleep, driving or spending time with your loved ones. This means you can put the phone down and discard the paper diary, and let modern technology help you manage mundane tasks easily. Better yet, those who make a booking or even send an enquiry to you will have their details kept on file for auotmated future marketing.
You can expect to see a significant increase in bookings with an online booking system – and we have the perfect solution to get you off the ground!